Breast Lift Photos - Case #58190

Patient Case #58190

This 31 year-old from Clarksville had been considering a breast augmentation for about 10 years. She wished to have “nicer boobs, more womanly. Rounder, not unnatural, fuller, not too big.” She was interested in silicone due to a better feel and wished to avoid rippling. The patient tried on moderate profile implants between 240 and 330 cc. Dr. Kaye discussed her options of doing an implant alone which he thought would leave her with a waterfall or snoopy dog deformity whereas a lift augment would lift the breasts to the correct height. After full discussion, she chose a vertical mastopexy (lift) with saline implants placed sub muscular. She is shown here at her pre-op and three weeks post-op appointments.

Category: Breast Lift Surgery (Saline Implants)
Gender: Female
Skin Tone: Fair

Patient Age: 31
Patient Height: 5’ 5”
Patient Weight: 150
Breast Lift
Breast Lift
Breast Lift
Breast Lift
Breast Lift
Breast Lift