Chemical Peel Clarksville, TN
Would you like smoother, vibrant skin? We are pleased to offer chemical peels, which can help you improve the tone of your skin and achieve a youthful appearance. Dr. Mitchell D. Kaye offers a variety of physician-prescribed peels which we can administer according to your needs. The chemical peels we offer include:
- Obagi ™ Radiance Peel – refresher peel
- Obagi ™ Blue Peel – more dramatic peel, goes deeper into the dermis
- Jessner’s/TCA peel – will produce the most profound change to the skin
What is it?
When you visit with Dr. Mitchell D. Kaye during your consultation, he will review your skin type and medical history with you. We will take time to examine your face and skin and in order to make recommendations that individually tailored to reach your goals. We can discuss alternative and complimentary treatments also, and we look forward to answering your questions about chemical peels. As always, your treatment will be individualized to help you reach optimal results.
How long is the procedure?
How long will recovery take?
Can I apply make up after my chemical peel?
*Chemical peel results may vary among patients.
*Results may vary among patients.