Breast Lift Recovery and Aftercare Tips

A breast lift is designed to remove excess skin and effectively tighten your natural breast tissue. As a basic surgical procedure there are a few recover and aftercare tips Dr. Mitchell D. Kaye advises you to keep in mind.

At your initial consultation, you should tell Dr. Mitchell D. Kaye about any medications you are taking or medical conditions that might increase your risk of bleeding. You might also need to stop taking aspirin or certain anti-inflammatory medications before and after the breast lift. If you are taking a prescription medication that increase your risk of bleeding, you might want to talk to primary physician to explore an alternative medication.

A stress free recovery time is important. It’s a good idea to plan on taking at least a full week off from work to let your body focus its resources on healing. Most breast lifts are performed on an outpatient basis and require deep sedation. You will need to arrange to have someone drive you home and help out for a few days while you get back on your feet. If at all possible, you need to avoid strenuous activities for at least a week after the breast lift.

You should abstain from eating or drinking after midnight during the evening before the procedure. Wearing loose fitting clothes to the procedure will help make dressing and moving easier after the breast lift.

After the breast lift Dr. Mitchell D. Kaye might insert a small plastic drainage tube under your skin to help drain some normal minor post-operative bleeding. They will explain to you how to properly care for it and any stitches, bandages or dressings.

If you have an upcoming breast lift scheduled and you have a recovery or aftercare question, you can always call Dr. Mitchell D. Kaye’s office in Clarksville, TN at 866.234.0470 for a consult.

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